Magnaclean system filteration
Adding magnetic filtration to your heating system can drastically improve your systems performance as well as adding a much needed line of defence between your radiators and your boiler,
Adey are pioneers in the field of magnetic filtration and their range of Magnaclean filters have set the industry standard in terms of performance and reliability.
At essex boiler care limited we believe this level of protection is essential in maintaining a healthy heating system and vital if we wish to maximise the potential lifespan of a boiler, so we've reduced the price of our installation to make it that bit more affordable for our customers.
With prices now starting from £249 including installation, they represent excellent value, especially when compared with the average price of a boiler repair.

The above photo is one of our most recent Magnaclean installations, taken just three days after the Magnaclean filter had been installed, when our engineers returned to the property to carry out a Magnacleanse Flush on the system.
As you can see, the filter caught a significant amount of sludge in those three days that would have otherwise entered the customer's boiler, potentially causing any number of issues. Its easy to see the difference a filter like this would make over the lifespan of your boiler,
Contact us at info@essexboilercare.co.uk to arrange installation of your Magnaclean filter, and extend the life of what is, for most of us, the most expensive appliance in our home.